Public Philosophy

As Director of Outreach in Philosophy and at the Parr Center for Ethics, I committed to forging lasting, democratic, and collaborative partnerships between the academy and the community, and to cultivating the philosophical voices of people of all ages. Throughout the year, I organize and lead philosophy-based programs in K-12 schools, community colleges, libraries, prisons, juvenile justice facilities, museums, professional organizations, retirement communities, and other community spaces.

Intergenerational learning

I am committed to creating opportunities for folks across the lifespan to engage in philosophical and ethical reflection in community, across age groups and across the lifespan.

Community-based courses

I teach and design experiential and service-learning courses in philosophy, including courses centered on High School Ethics Bowl, intergenerational philosophy with older adults, and philosophy for children.

Examples of my work

  • I spearhead a partnership between the Parr Center and TED-Ed that produces rigorous and accessible resources on philosophical ethics through videos on ethical dilemmas, concepts, and methods.

  • I regularly collaborate with UNC’s National High School Ethics Bowl program to design and administer pedagogical programs and empirical studies that promote moral and civic education in schools across the country.

  • I have co-organized accredited professional development programs for K-12 teachers, including in partnership with NC Juvenile Education, UNC’s Applied Epistemology Project, Morehead Planetarium, and NC State University College of Education.

Recognition & Support

I am grateful for the support of UNC-CH and organizations such as Humanities for the Public Good, the American Philosophical Association, the Society for Classical Studies, and the Templeton Foundation for making my work possible.