Articles & Book Chapters

“Kant’s Rejection of Stoic Eudaimonism”
forthcoming in Kant and Stoic Ethics, edited by Melissa Merritt (Cambridge University Press, 2025)

Cicero in the German Enlightenment” (with Andree Hahmann)
in Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on his Philosophy and its Legacy, edited by Andree Hahmann & Michael Vazquez (De Gruyter, 2025)

“Case-Based Reasoning in Educational Ethics: Phronēsis and Epistemic Blinders” (with Dustin Webster)
Educational Theory vol. 74, no. 4 (2024): 492-511

“Does Studying Philosophy Make People Better Thinkers?” (with Michael Prinzing)
Journal of the American Philosophical Association (2024): 1–22.

Review of Tobias Reinhardt, Cicero's Academici Libri and Lucullus: a commentary with introduction and translations (Oxford University Press, 2022)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (November 2023)

“The Virtues of Ethics Bowl: Do Pre-College Philosophy Programs Prepare Students for Democratic Citizenship?” (with Michael Prinzing)
Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10, no. 1 (2023): 25-45

“The Black Box in Stoic Axiology”
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (2023): 78-100.

“Ciceronian Officium and Kantian Duty” (with Andree Hahmann)
Review of Metaphysics 75, no. 4 (2022): 667-706

“How can a line segment with extension be composed of extensionless points? From Aristotle to Borel, and Beyond” (with Brian Reese and Scott Weinstein)
Synthese 200, no. 85 (2022): 1-28

“Hopeless Fools and Impossible Ideals”
Res Philosophica 98, no. 3 (2021): 429-451

Edited Volume

Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on his Philosophy and its Legacy (co-edited with Andree Hahmann)
De Gruyter, 2024

Public-Facing Writing

“Calling Philosophy Down from the Heavens: The Moral and Civic Imperative of Engaged Philosophy”
forthcoming in Community-Engaged Scholarship: Reflections from Netter Center Alumni, edited by Rita Axelroth Hodges and Michael Zuckerman (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025)

"Mary Astell, Philosopher of Education"
Project Vox Classroom, January 2024

“The Future of Humanities is Public” (with Kari Lindquist, Delaney Thull, & Aurora Yu), March 2023

”Looking for a better way to disagree this election season? Look no further than your local high school” (with Alex Richardson), November 2022

“Deliberating Across the Lifespan”
Book chapter in Roberta Israeloff & Karen Mizell (eds.), The Ethics Bowl Way: Answering Questions, Questioning Answers, and Creating Ethical Communities (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022)

“Ethics Bowl and Democratic Deliberation”
American Philosophical Association, Syllabus Showcase, March 2022

In Progress

  • “Commitment without Conviction: Cicero’s Skeptical Eudaimonism” (seminar and lecture for the 46th Annual Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy)

  • “On the Philosophical Significance of ‘cum officio selectio’ in De Finibus Book 3” (manuscript in progress)

  • “Epicurean Duties?” (co-authored paper with Andree Hahmann)

  • “Humanismus" und “Neuzeit und Gegenwart" (co-authored chapters with Andree Hahmann, forthcoming in Cicero-Handbuch)

  • Studying Philosophy Makes People Better Thinkers (with Michael Prinzing)

  • The Impact of College on Student Political Orientation (with Michael Prinzing)